Payment claims configuration

The Payment claims configuration lets you enable payment claims functions and establish scheduled dates.

  Item Description
1 Enable Payment claims toggle Lets you indicate whether payment claims functions are used at the organization level. The toggle must be set to Yes if any project needs to use payment claims. The payment claims functions can be turned off or on by contract type in the Contract type configuration set up. Payment claims are enabled only for new contracts created after the feature has been turned on for a contract type.
2 Push updates to existing projects Indicates whether all existing project claim date settings are overwritten. If set to Yes, dates in projects are overwritten. If set to No, the dates are effective for new projects only.
3 Allow projects to add/edit payment claim settings Lets you indicate whether the organization-level settings can be edited at the project level. When the box is not selected, fields on the project level Payment claims configuration page are disabled.
4 Payment claim due date The day of the month the claim is due. This date is used to calculate the scheduled dates. For example, if you process claims on the 15th day of each month, set this field to 15.
5 Payment claim scheduled dates The dates that certain requirements must be met.

When Push updates to existing projects is selected, the organization settings, project settings, and the payment claim details are locked and cannot be edited while the values are pushed to projects. A warning banner shows in the settings and detail pages to indicate that the push might take several minutes.

Payment claim scheduled dates

The scheduled dates table lets you set up the timetable for claims. Each line in the table is an event related to the payment claim date. The value in the Number of days column is the number of days before (a negative value) or after (a positive value) from the payment claim date that the scheduled event occurs. For example, if you require a meeting with the vendor five days before the payment claim date, you could create a scheduled date called Vendor meeting and assign the number of days as -5. If the certification of the payment claim takes place 12 days after the payment claim, you would set the Certification date to 12.

You can specify whether each date is active or default. When a date is active (that is, the Active toggle is set to Yes), it is available in the project, but you cannot edit the name or number of days at the project level. When it is inactive, you can activate it at the project level and then rename it or change the number of days. You cannot rename a date or change the number of days in the organization settings unless the date is set to Active.

When the Default setting is set to Yes, the scheduled time automatically shows in the Payment Claim Dates section of the Payment claims Details page.

You can configure up to 10 dates The Submission date and the Certification date fields are required, and you cannot rename them, make them inactive, or change the default.